Thursday 1 September 2011

Design Process and Analysis of Canberra Parliament House

Diagram show the Parliament House re-design scenarios and considerations
1, recreate two side of parliament house
2, recreate FOUR corners of parliament house
3, recreate top of parliament house

Sketching Futurist Parliament House

Analysing diagram to understand how to achieve distributed function
1, Several departments around center.
2, Several departments around center and having a connection within center as well.
3, Distributed, but still have strong connection within center point.

Consideration about re-organise current triangle space located in the main entrance of Parliament House 

Analysis relations between inner parliament house and outside

Four new building structure located around center of parliament house, also recreate top of it.
Try to make Parliament House more grand and symbolistic of Australia.

Urban Structure Lay Out Re-creation Analysis

Green Energy Developing Sketches

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