Thursday 1 September 2011

Canberra Political Issues and Proposed Political Structure

1.  STRATEGISTS - A gathering of the nations brightest mind whom had great contribution, experience and archivement in one or more field as profession. Their duty is to interact with communities, seeking issues of the country hence provide professional solution and response to resolve problems and direct the nation into a better future. They are voted from Validators by national archivements and contribution system. Comparing to current system, such system listen more to communities, consider more for country rather than a particular party or individual and interractly distributes decision power back to people.

2.  VALIDATOR - A system to validate any proposed strategy through research and investigation from nationwide professionals to determine whether if the particular strategy is feasible under given cirsumtance. The system replaces House of Representatives that distributes power of adjustment to any registered validator of a specified field, hence a strategy is fairly adjusted by loads of professional researches, feedbacks and considerations.

3.  SENATORS - Consisted of professional representatives of certain field from each states to evaluate if the investigated solution is beneficial throughout the nation.

4.  MINISTRY - Executive governments will perform necessary steps and instructions given from the strategy to initiate.

5.  LOCAL GOVERNMENTS - Receive instructions from ministry and execute them accordingly

6.  RESIDENTS - Have the right and power to form communities to express their needs and problems directly to Strategists for investigating.

7.  JUDICIAL SYSTEM - A series of judgement frameworks, laws and guidelines to ensure each stage of this distribution processs is loyal to country and fullfilled with existing law.

Note: Strategists, Validators and Senators are primary duties rather than their jobs. These profesions do spend their ‘out of house’ time researching, working and seking answers for their particular field.

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